الموضوع: the statement of (al imam al mahdi ) for the seeker of truth

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  1. rose the statement of (al imam al mahdi ) for the seeker of truth

    al imam for the the seeker of truth
    by the name of " allah " and prey and peace for all the prohpets of "allah" . so that we are obeying the " allah " when told as to do in his book quran

    {and his messegers .(they say ) . we make no distinction between one another of his messengers_ and they say " we hear and we obey ( we seek) your forgiveness , our lord and to you is the return of all " }
    the cow 285

    for you the seker of truth that you called yourself i see you argue the ( ansar )and you say why you are believing ( naser mohammed al yamni ) , since you donot know what is the source of his knowledge,then the imam answer you and say : _ why you will be blind beacuse you refuse to follow the "QURAN" ? the imam al mahdi naser answer by the "QURAN" not by any thing else
    { they would have said : "why are not its verses explaind in detail (in our languge) what! (abook) not in arabic and (the messenger) anarab? " say " it is for those who believe a guide and a healing and as for those who disbelieve , there is heaviness ( deafness ) in their ears. } fussilat 44

    { and whosever turns away blindly from the remembrance of thr most gracious (allah) ( i.e the QURAN and worship of ahhah ) , we appoint for shaitan ( satan _ devil ) to be qarin ( a compaanion ) to him . and verily , they ( satans \ deveils) hinder them from the path ( of allah ) , but they think that they are guided a right ! till when ( such a one ) comes to us he says [ to his qarin ( satan\ devil companion ) ] " would that between me and you were the distance of the two easts ( or the east and west )" _ a worst ( type of ) companion ( indeed ) ! } az_ zukruf 36 _ 37 _ 38

    my be the seeker want to say _ naser mohammed ( can you tell me what is the couse that made your statements of the QURAN by the QURAN to the seeker is blindness ? and i will not deny if i knew that your statements is right ) so the imam naser mohammed al yamni answer " go to any ( shikh ) ( the person who treat the people from the taction of satan ) by the QURAN to speak with you one hour and a haif at least and you will see that the imam al mahdi never tell you just thr truth that you have ( taction of satan ) wants from you to turn away and never listen to the statements of the imam naser ,but remmber the words of ALLAH

    { and whosever turns away blindly from the remembrance of thr most gracious (allah) ( i.e the QURAN and worship of ahhah ) , we appoint for shaitan ( satan _ devil ) to be qarin ( a compaanion ) to him . and verily , they ( satans \ deveils) hinder them from the path ( of allah ) , but they think that they are guided a right ! till when ( such a one ) comes to us he says [ to his qarin ( satan\ devil companion ) ] " would that between me and you were the distance of the two easts ( or the east and west )" _ a worst ( type of ) companion ( indeed ) ! } az_ zukruf 36 _ 37 _ 38

    every one from the all seekers of truth you should believe , so ALLAH will help you to know the truth and ALLAH will will never give you ( the nur ) unless you believe the statement of QURAN

    {and he for whom allah has not appointed light , for him there is not light }

    an _nur 40

    i swear by ALLAH that no one just ALLAH that , ALLAH gave ( the nur ) for the ansar , they are wondering why the others are unbelievers like ansar ,that the truth is in the statements of ( the imam naser mohammed al yamni ) because the ansar see that the truth is clear like thr sun ,therefore they find themselves wondering " why the others arenot believers !!! , then ALLAH tell the ansar from QURAN

    {and he for whom allah has not appointed light , for him there is not light }

    an _nur 40

    { say is the blind equal to the one who sees or darkness equal to light}

    ar_ra"d 16

    i swear by ALLAH no god just ALLAH . if they will never believe the statement of QURAN ALLAH never give them the nur ,so they should turn away to ALLAH to give them the nur to believe the statements of ( the imam naser mohammed ) then they must have intention to search for the trurh

    { as for those who strive hard in us ( our cause ) ,we will surely guide them to our paths ( i.e allahs religion_ islamic monotheism ) .and verily allah is with the muhsinun ( good doers ) . } al ankabut ( the spider ) 69

    but !! they are calumniate the lies about the ( imam naser mohammed al yamni ) he said " no argument between us i have my doings and you have a doings ,so ALLAH will never judge you for my doings ,then if am bouncer ALLAH will judge me

    { and a believing man of fir aun's ( pharaon ) family , who hid his faith said : " would you kill a man because he says my load is allah ,and he has come to you with clear signs ( proofs ) from your lord ? and if he is a liar upon him will be ( the sin of ) his lie ,but if he is telling the truth ,then some of that ( calamity ) wherewith he threatens you will befall on you verily ,allah guides not one who is a musrif ( apolytheistor murderer who shed blood without a right , or those who commit great sins oppressor, transgressor ) , a liar ! { ghafir 28

    your brother al _imam al mahdi naser mohammed al yamni

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