الموضوع: Ponder.zone English Statements

النتائج 11 إلى 20 من 30
  1. افتراضي

    Walaikum Salaam brother AbouAlam, May Almighty Allah bless and protect you.

    Yes I understand brother it's not easy to manage multiple things and do as much to support Allah and His Khalifa but Alhamdulilah He makes it easy for us to spread the word!

    When your statements are ready I will add them to the site. I have already added the statements that we edited together in the past.

    Inshallah our contributions make an impact wether small or big!

  2. افتراضي

    Updating statements this week inshallah.

    New statements appear at top of the list.

  3. افتراضي


    Assalaamalaikum brothers and sisters!

    In order to improve the websites performance online so that more people can see the statements of Imam Mahdi I have had to make some changes to the link structure. If you have any statements bookmarked in your browser they may not work for a while while i make these changes but you can still access those pages by changing the link slightly

    from this:


    to this:


    The only difference is that after the first bracket we now use the extension /q/ instead of /the-interpretation-of-quran/
    I hope that makes sense.

    I will set up redirects soon so your browser should do this automatically in the future.

  4. افتراضي

    Salamoualikoum brothers and sisters, I have added many statements and am now adding statements daily aswell as working on translations.

    Please help me to spread and share the website online so that we can spread the dawah of Imam Mahdi to even more people!


    Your brother Idris Ibn Kahf

  5. افتراضي

    As salamu aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh akhi fii deen,
    first and foremost I want to say, barakAllahu feek for your efforts. Just a little naseeha. The Imam Mahdi (may Allah bless him and be pleased with him) stated, that the women herself is complete awrah. So posting a picture of a women that wears makeup and is smiling etc. will probably cause fitnah and confusion. So please take it down akhi. Best regards and always try to keep it halal in every way. So Allah will be pleased, because that's our only goal, to please Allah t3ala.

  6. افتراضي

    walaykum salaam sister,
    thankyou for bringing this to my attention, I have removed that picture and replaced it with one with a niqabi instead of hijabi inline with Imam Mahdis teachings about face coverings. i hope inshallah this is better and more pleasing to Allah.

  7. افتراضي

    Still eyes and hands are awrah too. But good try. Just maybe remove totally or put a picture from the back.

  8. افتراضي

    Is this new one okay?


  9. افتراضي

    Salam brother MikailKahf
    Mashal Allah! Yes it is fine, I ask Allah to bless your efforts..

  10. افتراضي

    Peace, mercy and blessings of God

    Thank you very much for your efforts

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