الموضوع: Interview with Imam Nasser Mohamed ElYemeni

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  1. افتراضي


    Mr. Imam supporter i too would love to support the imam in fact i have already started

    the thread you have sent contains the same verse i have posted in the previous reply infact i am happy to tell you i had already read about that thread of dhul qarnain A.S

    BUT in the second part of the reply, of the first thread you sent, in its fifth part the imam was talking about satan casting doubts in the hearts of believers,
    the imam gave examples and he gave that verse on ALLAH'S PROPHET OZAIR.....How do you explain that

    please go to the first thread you sent in its fifth part in the very last statements and see what i am talking about

    thanks assalam alaykum

  2. افتراضي

    In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful
    Brother Hassan, I just want to bring to your attention the date of the the statement that is when the Imam Mahdi peace be upon him and his family wrote as he believed according to the interpretation of the scholars then he found out the Truth from his Lord and he waited for the scholars to come for dialogue regarding Dhul Qarnain so he would show them how they are wrong in following conjecture that does not avail a thing because the Muslim scholars followed induced narrations was written by the hypocrites of the Jewish companions who were hiding their disbelief and showing belief in Allah and His prophet so they tamper with the narration (hadeeth) of the prophet prayer of forgive ness and peace be upon him and his family, please look at the dates of the statements and you will understand what I have been explaining to you for example this date of statement number five that was written years before statement of Dhul Qarnain
    28 - 06 - 2007 AD
    02:34 am

    Also I like to remind you with this statement and look at the dates in which was written, here is a copy of the Imam's quote:
    O community of the Muslims' scholars, the Imam Mahdi followed your declaration of fatwa initially regards Allah's prophet Abraham son of Azar, Allah sent him to the king Nimrod the son of Canaan and I discovered that you were indeed wrong, and the Imam Mahdi followed your declaration of fatwa that Allah's prophet Ezra (Uzayr) forgiveness and peace be upon him lived twice then I discovered that you are indeed wrong, but I discovered your mistake after following your declaration of fatwa. And the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni continued to follow the fatwa of the Muslims' scholars, in these two issues for few years despite I discovered the mistake of the Muslims' scholars but I have no way but the following initially so I do not tempt my supporters for a while; until they increase (in number) and to know the reality of the Greatest Bliss then we bring to them the detailed knowledge then we nullify the fatwa of the Muslims' scholars in regard of Nimrod the son of Canaan and we bring the exchange with the True fatwa by determined decree in the written Book. Announcing the challenge by the Truth in the True statement for the great Quran and we explain the hidden secrets of the great Quran in what did not clarify it anyone of the Muslims' scholars before the Imam Mahdi, and we surpass over you by the authority of the True explanatory-statement for the great Quran, and clarify the Quran by the Quran in the bridling authority of knowledge from the decisive law of the great Quran.

    Despite that I discovered the mistake of your fatwa but after I followed you in these tow issues then I was patient for a number of other years being keen to not tempt some of the supporters until they increase (in number) that they know the reality of the Greatest Bliss, then we secure them from being mislead when we bring the exchange and the correction by the Truth, in fact some of them will think that the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni he is who gave fatwa that Allah sent Abraham son of Azar to the king Nimrod son of Canaan, but the Muslim's scholars they know altogether that they are whom they gave fatwa in that and not the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, not and never that I follow you after today in an issue until I expose it upon the decisive law of the great Quran.

    I hope you got the idea and if you believe in the Truth then you should declare your pledgeilation to Allah and His khalifa before the chastisement by going to the section of The Pledge of Allegiance For non Arabic Speakers at this link
    I would like to welcome you as always
    Salam brother

  3. افتراضي

    Its clear
    thank you
    for the pledge i have finished

  4. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : Hassan Mugabo
    Its clear
    thank you
    for the pledge i have finished
    انتهى الاقتباس من Hassan Mugabo
    Salam and welcome.. I ask Allah to keep you steadfast on the right path with all your love ones please spread the word of Truth

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