الموضوع: the new bayan of imam mahdi

النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4
  1. افتراضي the new bayan of imam mahdi

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    والصلاة والسلام على جميع الانبياء والمرسلين والإمام المهدي وانصاره وبعد
    هذا بيان الإمام ترجمه أخي عمر بن الخطاب
    ارجوا من الإدارة المحترمة تصحيح مافيها وتعديله مشكورين

    In the name of allah most gracious most merciful ....
    And allah has full power and control over his affairs ;but most among mandkind do not know that
    God almighty has spoken the truth

    And so long ...
    By the name of allah most gracious most merciful ;peace and pray on all prophets and messngers of allah from first messenger to last one the prophet mohammed ;all believers do your prayer on the prophet mohammed
    Allah has said in quran (and allah has full powers and control over his affair ;but most among mindkind do not now that)
    God almighty has spoken the truth
    To all imam mahdi followers (the ansar) in the conversatio era before the apearances of mahdi .
    I have stopped writting statements (the bayan) a little bit cause i want you to increase the old statements announce (the bayan)all over the world
    And spreed the statements in the internet and in any way that you can
    Because what i have written before is enogh to all seakers to know the truth of quran true statements
    And i still have a plenty of knowledge in quran to write in the future
    But right ow we are waiting to see the verses of quran achievement in the real world as allah has spoken in quran (((( والله غالب على امره ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون ....يوسف 21
    And allah has the full power and control over his affairs ;but most among mandkind do not know that))))
    Beloved ansar dont be tired or weak continue your efforts to announce the statements (the bayan)and im with you in the right path
    I swear with mighty allah that the imam mahdi has never be tired or weak and the imam mahdi knows from allah tbings that you dont know
    So continue your support to your imam with all you can
    By announce the statements ( the bayan)
    Sending money to imam

    May god protect you
    Beloved all

    Your brother imam nasser mohanmed al yamani

  2. افتراضي

    هل هو جاهز نقوم بنشره ولا باقي

  3. افتراضي

    سلام علیکم
    Dear brother the translation of our sister ( razieh be naaim alazam)is better . She translated the statement with accuracy as always and it is in the following link

  4. افتراضي

    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
    شكرا لك اختي الكريمة فاطمه
    ويبلغك اخي عمر بن الخطاب شكره ايضا.

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